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Solopreneur Money

Jun 27, 2022

Are you experiencing changes in your business but aren’t sure what that means? Have you been constantly comparing your business success with that of others on social media? 

My guest, Rai Hyde Cornell, joins me today to discuss the stages of business and what those stages mean. You won’t want to miss this interview...

Jun 20, 2022

Do you want to win the tax game? If so, you may want to consider doing Roth conversions.

On this episode of Solopreneur Money, you’ll learn what a Roth conversion is, why you might want to do one, when you might want to do one, and how to do a Roth conversion. If you have been wondering what all the hype about Roth...

Jun 13, 2022

Have you ever thought that your business could be expanded locally but aren’t quite sure how to make it happen? My guest today is Derrick Michaud, founder of Shelby Row Productions. Derrick serves clients all over the country but was trying to find a way to tap into his bustling local economy. 

You won’t want to...

Jun 6, 2022

Building your brand equity is the most important thing that you are not doing to grow your business. Many choose to focus on direct marketing and that’s great! If you do, keep doing it. Direct marketing is a fantastic way to increase your revenue now; however, building your brand equity will ensure that your business...