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Solopreneur Money

Jan 30, 2023

Many relationship problems stem from issues surrounding money. Rather than running from these conflicts, Marisa Ferrera has a different plan. Marisa joins me today to share some of the best relationship advice surrounding money that I have heard. I’m excited for you to listen to this one and I know you’ll want...

Jan 23, 2023

Limiting beliefs are like malware for your mindset. To live your dream life you have to first replace the malware and overcome those limiting beliefs. 

In this episode of Solopreneur Money, coach and author, Noelle Peterson joins me to discuss what we can do to replace the malware so that we can awaken our dreams and...

Jan 16, 2023


What if there was a way to get what you want with less work and less stress? Luann Horobin wants you to learn from her mistakes so that you can create the life you want. In this episode of Solopreneur Money, Luann will guide us through the 5 steps she uses with her clients to transform their lives. Learn how to...

Jan 9, 2023

As a solopreneur, the search for balance and contentment can feel a bit like searching for a unicorn. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. 

Gordon Brewer knows quite a bit about being a solopreneur as a licensed therapist and practice consultant. But what’s more, Gordon knows what it takes to find balance...

Jan 2, 2023

Are you ready to buy a home in 2023? After the past few years of the ups (and more ups) of the housing market, you may finally be ready to take advantage of the lull and dip your toes into the market. 

As a solopreneur, though, buying a home can be a bit daunting. That’s why I invited my friend Kevin Carlson onto...